Wednesday, July 4, 2018


I integrate a cross-curricular activity into each semester.  I stretch it across the subjects I teach and into other areas.  This semester I had to set it up a little different.  I will be out of the building 5 days in August.  What a tough time to be gone, but, a great time to do something out of my normal course schedule and timeline.  I wanted to share the primary standards I intend to address and support.  I identified standards I expect students to gain mastery of and standards that they will just be exposed to.


Mastery-National ISTE 1: Empowered Learner-Student leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed y the learning sciences.

Mastery-National ISTE 3: Knowledge Constructor-Student critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Mastery-CDE Visual Art 6th Grade 1. -Explain, demonstrate, and interpret a range of purposes of art and design, recognizing that the making and study of art and design can be approached from a variety of viewpoints, intelligences, and perspectives -Analyze, interpret, and make meaning of art and design critically using oral and written discourse

Mastery-CDE Visual Art 6th Grade 3. -Recognize, interpret, and validate that the creative process builds on the development of ideas through a process of inquiry -Create works of art that articulate more sophisticated ideas, feelings, emotions, and points of view about art and design through an expanded use of media and technologies

Exposure-CDE Mathematics 8th Grade 4. Shape, Dimension, and Geometric Relationships-Apply transformation to numbers, shapes, functional representations, and data

Exposure-CDE Mathematics 8th Grade 4. Shape, Dimension, and Geometric Relationships-Use critical thinking to recognize problematic aspects of situations, create mathematical models, and present and defend solutions

Exposure-CDE SCience 6th Grade 3. Earth Systems Science-Evaluate evidence that Earth's geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact as a complex system

Exposure-CDE SCience 6th Grade 3. Earth Systems Science-Describe how humans are dependent on the diversity of resources provided by Earth and Sun

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 1-Monday

Substitute Teacher
  1. Post the following slide before students arrive: 
  2. Have students read the slide and quietly reflect for 5 minutes.
  3. Play "The Internet: How Search Works":
  4. Play "15 Ways to Serach Google 96% of People Don't Know About":
  5. Divide students into assigned pairs.  Let them know that they should be working together but that they must each turn in their own worksheet.
  6. Pass out Internet Research Scavenger Hunt Worksheet.  Link to worksheet:
  7.  Pick up all assignments.  Binder clip with the hour card and clip provided and place in basket labeled Monday 1.

Day 2-Tuesday

Substitute Teacher
  1. Direct students to go to Google Classroom.  Give them 10 minutes to complete their warmup in Google Classroom.
  2. Play "Minerals and Rocks":
  3. Divide students into assigned pairs.  Let them know that they should be working together but that they must each turn in their own worksheet.
  4. Pass out Identification Worksheet.  Link to worksheet:
  5.  Pick up all assignments.  Binder clip with the hour card and clip provided and place in basket labeled Tuesday 1.

Day 3-Wednesday

Mrs. Bulman
  1. Presentation and Plan: 
  2. How to Make Polymer Beads: 
  3. Bake Beads

    Day 4-Thursday

    Mrs. Bulman
    1. Warmup: 
    2.  Sand beads.
    3. Make necklaces.
    4. Presentation with Plan for Reflection:
    5. Photograph Necklaces 

    Day 5-Monday

    Substitute Teacher
    1.  Post the following slide before students arrive:
    2. Have students read the slide and quietly reflect for 5 minutes.
    3. Hand out cube nets with directions.  Link to worksheet:
    4. Play the following video with visual directions on how to create the cube.
    5. Have students decorate, design, and build their cubes by the end of the hour.
    6. 10 minutes before the end of the hour, have students clean up all supplies.  Each hour should place all finished cubes in a single basket labeled with their hour.

    Day 6-Tuesday

     Substitute Teacher

    1. Direct students to go to Google Classroom.  Give them 10 minutes to complete their warmup in Google Classroom. Have students collect their cubes.
    2. Have students watch the following video on Leonard Drew:
    3. Explain that is assemblage if the act of assembling different items to make a single artwork.
    4. Direct students to create a sculpture by attaching all the cubes and creating a single shape using glue and tape.  They will be working as a class and should have a single artwork when complete.
    5. When students complete their sculpture, work throw the following videos, watching as many as possible before the end of class.

    Day 7-Wednesday

     Substitute Teacher
    1. Post the following slide before students arrive: 
    2. Give students 5 minutes to complete vocabulary.
    3. Pass out a piece of notebook paper to each student.
    4. Direct students to write their first and last name in the upper right hand corner.
    5. Open the following slide and have them answer the posted question:
    6. Give students 10 minutes to complete their answer.
    7. Explain to students that you will be playing a documentary on volcanoes.  They are must take 10 notes during the documentary.  They must be complete sentences and they should number them 1-10.
    8. Start the following documentary:

    Day 8-Thursday

    Mrs. Bulman

    1. Organize Work and Make Connection:

    Examples of Student Work

    Scanned at End of Unit